Package org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.protocolrecords

Interface Summary
AllocateRequest The core request sent by the ApplicationMaster to the ResourceManager to obtain resources in the cluster.
AllocateResponse The response sent by the ResourceManager the ApplicationMaster during resource negotiation.
CancelDelegationTokenRequest The request issued by the client to the ResourceManager to cancel a delegation token.
CancelDelegationTokenResponse The response from the ResourceManager to a cancelDelegationToken request.
FinishApplicationMasterResponse The response sent by the ResourceManager to a ApplicationMaster on it's completion.
GetAllApplicationsRequest The request from clients to get a report of all Applications in the cluster from the ResourceManager.
GetAllApplicationsResponse The response sent by the ResourceManager to a client requesting an ApplicationReport for all applications.
GetApplicationReportRequest The request sent by a client to the ResourceManager to get an ApplicationReport for an application.
GetApplicationReportResponse The response sent by the ResourceManager to a client requesting an application report.
GetClusterMetricsRequest The request sent by clients to get cluster metrics from the ResourceManager.
GetClusterMetricsResponse The response sent by the ResourceManager to a client requesting cluster metrics.
GetClusterNodesRequest The request from clients to get a report of all nodes in the cluster from the ResourceManager.
GetClusterNodesResponse The response sent by the ResourceManager to a client requesting a NodeReport for all nodes.
GetContainerStatusRequest The request sent by the ApplicationMaster to the NodeManager to get ContainerStatus of a container.
GetContainerStatusResponse The response sent by the NodeManager to the ApplicationMaster when asked to obtain the status of a container.
GetDelegationTokenRequest The request issued by the client to get a delegation token from the ResourceManager.
GetDelegationTokenResponse Response to a GetDelegationTokenRequest request from the client.
GetNewApplicationRequest The request sent by clients to get a new ApplicationId for submitting an application.
GetNewApplicationResponse The response sent by the ResourceManager to the client for a request to get a new ApplicationId for submitting applications.
GetQueueInfoRequest The request sent by clients to get queue information from the ResourceManager.
GetQueueInfoResponse The response sent by the ResourceManager to a client requesting information about queues in the system.
GetQueueUserAclsInfoRequest The request sent by clients to the ResourceManager to get queue acls for the current user.
GetQueueUserAclsInfoResponse The response sent by the ResourceManager to clients seeking queue acls for the user.
KillApplicationRequest The request sent by the client to the ResourceManager to abort a submitted application.
KillApplicationResponse The response sent by the ResourceManager to the client aborting a submitted application.
RegisterApplicationMasterRequest The request sent by the ApplicationMaster to ResourceManager on registration.
RegisterApplicationMasterResponse The response sent by the ResourceManager to a new ApplicationMaster on registration.
RenewDelegationTokenRequest The request issued by the client to renew a delegation token from the ResourceManager.
RenewDelegationTokenResponse The response to a renewDelegationToken call to the ResourceManager.
StartContainerRequest The request sent by the ApplicationMaster to the NodeManager to start a container.
StartContainerResponse The response sent by the NodeManager to the ApplicationMaster when asked to start an allocated container.
StopContainerRequest The request sent by the ApplicationMaster to the NodeManager to stop a container.
StopContainerResponse The response sent by the NodeManager to the ApplicationMaster when asked to stop an allocated container.
SubmitApplicationRequest The request sent by a client to submit an application to the ResourceManager.
SubmitApplicationResponse The response sent by the ResourceManager to a client on application submission.

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