All hadoop commands are invoked by the bin/hadoop script. Running the hadoop script without any arguments prints the description for all commands.
Usage: hadoop [--config confdir] [COMMAND] [GENERIC_OPTIONS] [COMMAND_OPTIONS]
Hadoop has an option parsing framework that employs parsing generic options as well as running classes.
COMMAND_OPTION | Description |
--config confdir | Overwrites the default Configuration directory. Default is $HADOOP_HOME/conf. |
GENERIC_OPTIONS COMMAND_OPTIONS | The common set of options supported by multiple commands. Various commands with their options are described in the following sections. The commands have been grouped into User Commands and Administration Commands. |
The following options are supported by dfsadmin, fs, fsck, job and fetchdt. Applications should implement Tool to support GenericOptions.
GENERIC_OPTION | Description |
-conf <configuration file> | Specify an application configuration file. |
-D <property>=<value> | Use value for given property. |
-jt <local> or <jobtracker:port> | Specify a job tracker. Applies only to job. |
-files <comma separated list of files> | Specify comma separated files to be copied to the map reduce cluster. Applies only to job. |
-libjars <comma seperated list of jars> | Specify comma separated jar files to include in the classpath. Applies only to job. |
-archives <comma separated list of archives> | Specify comma separated archives to be unarchived on the compute machines. Applies only to job. |
Commands useful for users of a hadoop cluster.
Creates a hadoop archive. More information can be found at Hadoop Archives.
Usage: hadoop archive -archiveName NAME <src>* <dest>
COMMAND_OPTION | Description |
-archiveName NAME | Name of the archive to be created. |
src | Filesystem pathnames which work as usual with regular expressions. |
dest | Destination directory which would contain the archive. |
Copy file or directories recursively. More information can be found at Hadoop DistCp Guide.
Usage: hadoop distcp <srcurl> <desturl>
COMMAND_OPTION | Description |
srcurl | Source Url |
desturl | Destination Url |
Deprecated, use hdfs dfs instead.
Runs a generic filesystem user client.
The various COMMAND_OPTIONS can be found at File System Shell Guide.
Runs a HDFS filesystem checking utility. See Fsck for more info.
Usage: hadoop fsck [GENERIC_OPTIONS] <path> [-move | -delete | -openforwrite] [-files [-blocks [-locations | -racks]]]
COMMAND_OPTION | Description |
path | Start checking from this path. |
-move | Move corrupted files to /lost+found |
-delete | Delete corrupted files. |
-openforwrite | Print out files opened for write. |
-files | Print out files being checked. |
-blocks | Print out block report. |
-locations | Print out locations for every block. |
-racks | Print out network topology for data-node locations. |
Gets Delegation Token from a NameNode. See fetchdt for more info.
Usage: hadoop fetchdt [GENERIC_OPTIONS] [--webservice <namenode_http_addr>] <path>
COMMAND_OPTION | Description |
fileName | File name to store the token into. |
--webservice https_address | use http protocol instead of RPC |
Runs a jar file. Users can bundle their Map Reduce code in a jar file and execute it using this command.
Usage: hadoop jar <jar> [mainClass] args...
The streaming jobs are run via this command. Examples can be referred from Streaming examples
Word count example is also run using jar command. It can be referred from Wordcount example
Command to interact with Map Reduce Jobs.
Usage: hadoop job [GENERIC_OPTIONS] [-submit <job-file>] | [-status <job-id>] | [-counter <job-id> <group-name> <counter-name>] | [-kill <job-id>] | [-events <job-id> <from-event-#> <#-of-events>] | [-history [all] <jobOutputDir>] | [-list [all]] | [-kill-task <task-id>] | [-fail-task <task-id>] | [-set-priority <job-id> <priority>]
COMMAND_OPTION | Description |
-submit job-file | Submits the job. |
-status job-id | Prints the map and reduce completion percentage and all job counters. |
-counter job-id group-name counter-name | Prints the counter value. |
-kill job-id | Kills the job. |
-events job-id from-event-# #-of-events | Prints the events' details received by jobtracker for the given range. |
-history [all]jobOutputDir | Prints job details, failed and killed tip details. More details about the job such as successful tasks and task attempts made for each task can be viewed by specifying the [all] option. |
-list [all] | Displays jobs which are yet to complete. -list all displays all jobs. |
-kill-task task-id | Kills the task. Killed tasks are NOT counted against failed attempts. |
-fail-task task-id | Fails the task. Failed tasks are counted against failed attempts. |
-set-priority job-id priority | Changes the priority of the job. Allowed priority values are VERY_HIGH, HIGH, NORMAL, LOW, VERY_LOW |
Runs a pipes job.
Usage: hadoop pipes [-conf <path>] [-jobconf <key=value>, <key=value>, ...] [-input <path>] [-output <path>] [-jar <jar file>] [-inputformat <class>] [-map <class>] [-partitioner <class>] [-reduce <class>] [-writer <class>] [-program <executable>] [-reduces <num>]
COMMAND_OPTION | Description |
-conf path | Configuration for job |
-jobconf key=value, key=value, ... | Add/override configuration for job |
-input path | Input directory |
-output path | Output directory |
-jar jar file | Jar filename |
-inputformat class | InputFormat class |
-map class | Java Map class |
-partitioner class | Java Partitioner |
-reduce class | Java Reduce class |
-writer class | Java RecordWriter |
-program executable | Executable URI |
-reduces num | Number of reduces |
command to interact and view Job Queue information
Usage: hadoop queue [-list] | [-info <job-queue-name> [-showJobs]] | [-showacls]
COMMAND_OPTION | Description |
-list | Gets list of Job Queues configured in the system. Along with scheduling information associated with the job queues. |
-info job-queue-name [-showJobs] | Displays the job queue information and associated scheduling information of particular job queue. If -showJobs options is present a list of jobs submitted to the particular job queue is displayed. |
-showacls | Displays the queue name and associated queue operations allowed for the current user. The list consists of only those queues to which the user has access. |
Commands useful for administrators of a hadoop cluster.
Runs a cluster balancing utility. An administrator can simply press Ctrl-C to stop the rebalancing process. See Rebalancer for more details.
Usage: hadoop balancer [-threshold <threshold>]
COMMAND_OPTION | Description |
-threshold threshold | Percentage of disk capacity. This overwrites the default threshold. |
Get/Set the log level for each daemon.
Usage: hadoop daemonlog -getlevel <host:port> <name> Usage: hadoop daemonlog -setlevel <host:port> <name> <level>
COMMAND_OPTION | Description |
-getlevel host:port name | Prints the log level of the daemon running at host:port. This command internally connects to http://host:port/logLevel?log=name |
-setlevel host:port name level | Sets the log level of the daemon running at host:port. This command internally connects to http://host:port/logLevel?log=name |
Runs a HDFS datanode.
Usage: hadoop datanode [-rollback]
COMMAND_OPTION | Description |
-rollback | Rollsback the datanode to the previous version. This should be used after stopping the datanode and distributing the old hadoop version. |
Runs a HDFS dfsadmin client.
Usage: hadoop dfsadmin [GENERIC_OPTIONS] [-report] [-safemode enter | leave | get | wait] [-refreshNodes] [-finalizeUpgrade] [-upgradeProgress status | details | force] [-metasave filename] [-setQuota <quota> <dirname>...<dirname>] [-clrQuota <dirname>...<dirname>] [-help [cmd]]
COMMAND_OPTION -report | Description Reports basic filesystem information and statistics. |
-safemode enter / leave / get / wait | Safe mode maintenance command. Safe mode is a Namenode state in which it 1. does not accept changes to the name space (read-only) 2. does not replicate or delete blocks. Safe mode is entered automatically at Namenode startup, and leaves safe mode automatically when the configured minimum percentage of blocks satisfies the minimum replication condition. Safe mode can also be entered manually, but then it can only be turned off manually as well. |
-refreshNodes | Re-read the hosts and exclude files to update the set of Datanodes that are allowed to connect to the Namenode and those that should be decommissioned or recommissioned. |
-finalizeUpgrade | Finalize upgrade of HDFS. Datanodes delete their previous version working directories, followed by Namenode doing the same. This completes the upgrade process. |
-upgradeProgress status / details / force | Request current distributed upgrade status, a detailed status or force the upgrade to proceed. |
-metasave filename | Save Namenode's primary data structures to filename in the directory specified by hadoop.log.dir property. filename will contain one line for each of the following 1. Datanodes heart beating with Namenode 2. Blocks waiting to be replicated 3. Blocks currrently being replicated 4. Blocks waiting to be deleted |
-setQuota quota dirname...dirname | Set the quota quota for each directory dirname. The directory quota is a long integer that puts a hard limit on the number of names in the directory tree. Best effort for the directory, with faults reported if 1. N is not a positive integer, or 2. user is not an administrator, or 3. the directory does not exist or is a file, or 4. the directory would immediately exceed the new quota. |
-clrQuota dirname...dirname | Clear the quota for each directory dirname. Best effort for the directory. with fault reported if 1. the directory does not exist or is a file, or 2. user is not an administrator. It does not fault if the directory has no quota. |
-help [cmd] | Displays help for the given command or all commands if none is specified. |
Runs MR admin client
Usage: hadoop mradmin [ GENERIC_OPTIONS ] [-refreshQueueAcls]
COMMAND_OPTION | Description |
-refreshQueueAcls | Refresh the queue acls used by hadoop, to check access during submissions and administration of the job by the user. The properties present in mapred-queue-acls.xml is reloaded by the queue manager. |
Runs the MapReduce job Tracker node.
Usage: hadoop jobtracker [-dumpConfiguration]
COMMAND_OPTION | Description |
-dumpConfiguration | Dumps the configuration used by the JobTracker alongwith queue configuration in JSON format into Standard output used by the jobtracker and exits. |
Runs the namenode. More info about the upgrade, rollback and finalize is at Upgrade Rollback
Usage: hadoop namenode [-format] | [-upgrade] | [-rollback] | [-finalize] | [-importCheckpoint]
COMMAND_OPTION | Description |
-format | Formats the namenode. It starts the namenode, formats it and then shut it down. |
-upgrade | Namenode should be started with upgrade option after the distribution of new hadoop version. |
-rollback | Rollsback the namenode to the previous version. This should be used after stopping the cluster and distributing the old hadoop version. |
-finalize | Finalize will remove the previous state of the files system. Recent upgrade will become permanent. Rollback option will not be available anymore. After finalization it shuts the namenode down. |
-importCheckpoint | Loads image from a checkpoint directory and save it into the current one. Checkpoint dir is read from property fs.checkpoint.dir |
Runs the HDFS secondary namenode. See Secondary Namenode for more info.
Usage: hadoop secondarynamenode [-checkpoint [force]] | [-geteditsize]
COMMAND_OPTION | Description |
-checkpoint [-force] | Checkpoints the Secondary namenode if EditLog size >= fs.checkpoint.size. If -force is used, checkpoint irrespective of EditLog size. |
-geteditsize | Prints the EditLog size. |